John Phillips Ministries

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Insights: The Life Of John Phillips (Part 13)

Continued insights into the life and ministry of Dr. John Phillips.
Without intent, I have left out some very important commitments John made to God after the Lord had opened his heart to understand some significant guidelines that must rule his l…

Insights: The Life Of John Phillips (Part 12)

Continued insights into the life and ministry of Dr. John Phillips
It was with joy that John became acquainted with preachers in the south.  They loved his sermons, and from all appearances, the southern folks loved his English accent.  The books…

Insights: The Life of John Phillips (Part 11)

Continued insights into the life and ministry of Dr. John Phillips.
John had been the chief-assistant in the Accounting Department of Moody Bible Institute (MBI) for approximately ten years.  It was easy for him since he had been trained for that …

Insights: The Life of John Phillips (Part 10)

Continued insights into the life and ministry of Dr. John Phillips.
One by one the problems were dealt with by John and Jean.  The day finally arrived when the family was able to move into their own home.  The house in Canada had been sold, and on…

Insights: The Life of John Phillips (Part 9)

Continued insights into the life and ministry of Dr. John Phillips.
Just prior to John’s decision to go to England and seek the counsel of Stephen Olford, an opportunity arose that enabled him to first go to Chicago and visit the Moody Bible Insti…

Insights: The Life of John Phillips (Part 8)

Continued biographical insights into the life and ministry of Dr. John Phillips.
With ease, John stepped into the lumbering company’s need for an accountant.  He was comfortable with, and quite capable of becoming the sole accountant.  He was further amazed at…

Insights: The Life of John Phillips (Part 7)

A continued look into the life and ministry of Dr. John Phillips.
God had the big picture in mind concerning John Phillips. Over and over, the Lord had allowed great disappointments into this life, disappointments that seemed to have no solution…

Insights: The Life of John Phillips (Part 6)

A continued look into the life and ministry of Dr. John Phillips.
Vancouver was a great city, and after he and Jean were married, John, at last, began to feel settled. They both had good jobs and they were comfortable in the new apartment where …

Insights: The Life of John Phillips (Part 5)

A continued look into the life and ministry of Dr. John Phillips.
John made friends easily at the bank which had hired him. However, the pay scale was very low, even though he learned that the bank had plans to train him as a future manager.  He…

Insights: The Life of John Phillips (Part 4)

A continued look into the life and ministry of Dr. John Phillips.
With time, things change.  After John answered his call to military duty, there appeared no immediate difference in his family’s life back in Wales.  His oldest sister married and…

Insights: The Life of John Phillips (Part 3)

The third part of the biographical sketches of the life and ministry of Dr. John Phillips.
John Learns to Preach After completing his basic training, John, along with hundreds more young Englishmen, was shipped to Egypt.  There, in a "holding station" they waited until…

Insights: The Life of John Phillips (Part 2)

A continued look into the life of the early years of John Phillips, and how those events shaped his life and legacy.
The Early Years - Part 2 John's ambition, as a lad in school, was to excel in sports, but he had a problem with his eyesight.  An ophthalmologist diagnosed the problem when he wa…

Insights: The Life of John Phillips (Part 1)

A brief biographical sketch of the life and work of Dr. John Phillips.
The Early Years John's father, Leonard, was a businessman in Wales, Great Britain. He was also a lay preacher, thoroughly committed to the Lord Jesus Christ. John had vivid memor…

Submission: The Life of John Phillips

Article submitted by Dianna Lightfoot, the stepdaughter of John Phillips. A great insight into the submissive life of this wonderful man of God.
by Dianna Lightfoot When all things are subjected to Him, then the Son himself will also be subjected to Him who put all things in subjection under Him, that God may be all in a…