The Life of John Phillips – Part 4
With time, things change. After John answered his call to military duty, there appeared no immediate difference in his family’s life back in Wales. His oldest sister married and moved from the home. Leonard, John’s father, continued to invite to their home any visiting missionary or preacher for Sunday dinner, but this occasioned a dramatic […]
The Life of John Phillips – Part 3
John Learns to Preach After completing his basic training, John, along with hundreds more young Englishmen, was shipped to Egypt. There, in a “holding station” they waited until it was decided where, for the duration, each man would serve the British Crown. During those waiting days, John became acquainted with an officer who worked there […]
The Life of John Phillips – Part 2
The Early Years – Part 2 John’s ambition, as a lad in school, was to excel in sports, but he had a problem with his eyesight. An ophthalmologist diagnosed the problem when he was ten years old and solved it by prescribing thick-lens glasses. That ended John’s dreams of being a sports hero, however, the […]
The Life of John Phillips – Part 1
The Early Years John’s father, Leonard, was a businessman in Wales, Great Britain. He was also a lay preacher, thoroughly committed to the Lord Jesus Christ. John had vivid memories of his mother and father rising at 4:30 AM each morning. Anstice, his mother, would start a fire in the kitchen stove, and put the […]
Submission: The Life of John Phillips
When all things are subjected to Him, then the Son himself will also be subjected to Him who put all things in subjection under Him, that God may be all in all. (1 Corinthians 15:28) John Phillips became my step-father when I was an adult, and his inclusion in my family was one of the greatest […]
Publish or Perish
The ministry of Dr. John Phillips was one of passion for the Word of God. He invested countless hours in the study of the Scriptures, as he sought to uncover every precious jewel and connect its truths from Genesis to Revelation. While speaking with his wife, Betty, she once told this writer, “John was not […]