

  1. The Tragedy in Hosea’s Home Life (Ch. 1-3)
  2. The Tragedy in Hosea’s Home Land (Ch. 4-14)
    1. A Polluted People (Ch. 4-8)
    2. A Punished People (Ch. 8-10)
    3. A Pardoned People (Ch. 4-14)
  3. Hosea shows us that God’s love:
    1. Is An Absolute Love
    2. Is An Abiding Love
    3. Is An Abandoning Love
    4. Is An Abounding Love
    5. Is An Abstaining Love
  4. Hosea shows us that God’s love:
    1. Cannot Condone Sin
    2. Cannot Cancel Consequences of Sin
    3. Hosea Teaches Us that God IS Love.